In todays fast paced world, trees are often though of as disposable and expendable. Contractors will often come in and clear off land quickly to develop huge strip malls or property owners will have a downed tree with no idea what to do with them. The trees will be chipped up and thrown in a landfill. Hundreds of years old, these invaluable trees are simply destroyed. Even when some townships and cities recycle the chips, the massive loss of unique and hard to find hardwoods are becoming the norm. The downstream effect is the woods are then expensive, not harvested from quality trees and are of lesser quality due to the wood industry having such a hard time finding older trees.
What are the Benefits to the Tree Donors, Community and Woodworkers
Benefits to Donors of Usable Trees
- Reduced costs of hauling / disposing of waste trees
- The knowledge that they are contributing to the environment and the community
- An opportunity promote good public relations news
Benefits to Woodworkers
- The environment is helped by saving trees from burn piles and garbage dumps
- We are provided with a broad spectrum of wood to use at a reduced cost
- Your community is served with better tree usage and disposal
- Valuable wood is recycled into useful items
Drawing from Woodlands inventory of rescued wood, Allison crafts custom designed furniture, cabinetry, office products and home products in her Northfield studio.